The IRS Says You Owe Them Money | IRS Building Plaque | Dale S. Goldberg, CPA




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    How Can We Help:

    The IRS Says You Owe Them Money

    The IRS doesn’t just accept the numbers you file with your tax return. They check, double-check and cross-check every number with a variety of third-party sources and then they decide how much money you owe them. When their numbers disagree with yours, you will receive a written notice and demand for payment.

    It is not an uncommon situation. In the fiscal year 2018 alone, the IRS collected more than $55.5 billion from returns filed with additional tax due and opened 7.8 million new delinquency investigations. An investigation is opened when a taxpayer does not respond to an IRS notice and demand for payment.

    The IRS is not always right. They make mistakes like everyone else. When the IRS’s numbers disagree with your own and you can prove it, it is called an incorrect IRS tax assessment. And you can fight it.

    What You Should Do

    Read all the correspondence you receive from the IRS and check their numbers. If an error has been made, it could be they are missing information or have received incorrect or incomplete information. If that’s the case, you can initiate an appeal. Remember that while you must file an income tax return, you have the right to pay no more than you owe.

    The appeal process starts with the submission of one or more forms to the IRS. It is best to work with a tax professional on this. He or she will ensure the correct forms are used, your claim is complete and accurate, and prepare the most airtight appeal.

    Whatever you do, do NOT ignore the IRS correspondence. If you do not pay or appeal, you can expect additional bills and eventually to be part of a formal collection procedure. You will also effectively be waiving your right to an appeal.

    How We Can Help

    Dale S. Goldberg and his team routinely help individuals and small businesses get tax relief from the IRS.

    Our experienced CPAs will review your situation and assist you in pulling together whatever forms and documentation is needed.

    We have 30+ years of experience and lots of connections from working on and resolving bad tax assessments. We are up-to-date on all the latest legislation, regulations, processes, and procedures. We will listen to you carefully, offer expert advice, and work tirelessly to ensure a satisfactory resolution.

    Get relief. Fill out our contact us form (above) or call 215-342-4200. We will return your call promptly.